Metatilities-base is the core of Metatilities. It has the good stuff that sits at the foundation of the rest of the code that writes.
Metatilities is's big box of stuff that has accumulated over the years. It's full of things you're pretty sure you don't need but can't quite bear to part with.
Putting metatilities-base into it's own project is a way of doing a bit of spring cleaning while there's still time (Summer is only three weeks away!) is switching from darcs to git for source control; the current log5 repository is on github and you can clone it using:
git clone git://
You can use ASDF-Install or just download a tarball. It's also on the CLiki.
You can follow development (such as it is :-)) on unCLog.
2010-Dec-20 - moved to github.
2008-May-26 - Split metatilities-base out on its own even more officially. A good time was had by all.